Move Freely and Confidently (Lumbar Spine Mobility)

By Mark Pajich

Embarking on the journey of mobility training unlocks a realm of enhanced flexibility, expanded range of motion, and overall joint health. This month, our spotlight is on the lumbar spine or lower back. Lumbar spine mobility represents the ability to move freely and flexibly in the lower portion of your spine, particularly within the lumbar vertebrae. This pivotal region of your spine is the backbone of fundamental movements such as bending, twisting, and extending your torso.

When lumbar spine mobility is restricted, it sets off compensatory movement patterns that burden other parts of your body. This can result in discomfort, pain, and an increased susceptibility to injuries. Inadequate lumbar mobility is often linked to issues like poor posture, weakened lower back strength, and compromised hip mobility.

Nurturing and enhancing lumbar spine mobility has many benefits. These encompass refined posture, an expanded range of motion in your trunk, heightened lower back function, diminished discomfort, and optimized performance in both daily activities and your favourite sport.

For golfers, enhancing lumbar spine mobility is a game-changer. The ability to execute a fluid and effective golf swing relies heavily on a mobile lower back. Any golfer with chronic lower back pain will already know how this negatively affects their game. So, here are a couple of exercises that you can start to include in your exercise routine. 

WARNING: Ensure that all exercises are performed without any pain. Execute them in a secure environment while maintaining proper form.

Cat-Cow Stretch

By transitioning between an arched "cat" position and a relaxed "cow" pose, you engage the muscles around the lower back. This rhythmic movement promotes flexibility and alleviates tension in the lumbar spine. The alternating arching and rounding actions gently mobilize the area, leading to an increased range of motion. This exercise is particularly beneficial for individuals seeking relief from lower back discomfort and aiming to enhance lumbar flexibility.

Child Pose to Cobra Stretch

This “Child Pose to Cobra" stretch is valuable for enhancing lumbar spine mobility. Here's how to do it: Start by sitting on your heels and stretching your arms in front of you on the floor, which is the "Child Pose." Then, move your hands to the floor under your shoulders, lift your chest, and arch your back while looking up, which is the "Cobra" position. Go back and forth between these two poses a few times to gently stretch and move your lower back. This stretch is great if you want to ease stiffness and increase how well your lower back can bend and move.


Mobility training constitutes an indispensable component of any exercise program. Integrating mobility exercises into your routine can fortify joint health, expand flexibility, and range of motion, and diminish the risk of injury. Regardless of whether you are an athlete, a senior citizen, or an individual who spends prolonged periods seated, including mobility training in your daily routine is the way to go!

For more information on our personal training programs, please contact us at 012-334-1511 or send us an enquiry here.

Mark Pajich

Mark Pajich is Director of Pinnacle Fitness and has more than 20 years’ experience in the fitness industry. Mark is a TPI Certified Level 2 Fitness Coach and TPI Certified Level 2 Power Coach.

Move Freely and Confidently (Hip Mobility - Part 1)


Move Freely and Confidently (Thoracic Spine Mobility)