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TPI Strength and Power (Upper Body Unilateral Exercises)
Unilateral push exercises like the single-arm shoulder press are beneficial for golfers because they help develop strength and stability in one arm, which can translate into more power and accuracy on the golf course. Additionally, these exercises can help identify and correct any strength imbalances between the left and right sides of the body, which can reduce the risk of injury and improve overall athletic performance.
TPI Strength and Power (The Push Up)
The push-up is an exercise that is most famous for its effectiveness in building strength and push power in the upper body, mainly the frontal side. The main muscles involved in the push-up are chest, front deltoids, and triceps; but it also uses the core and stabiliser muscles in the legs. Many people find the push up tough to progress or regress so we have given some ways to modify the movement.
TPI Strength and Power (The Single Leg Movement)
Unilateral movements are a great way to strengthen both sides equally. Our bodies rarely grow symmetrically, which can cause underuse and overuse of certain muscles. Training with unilateral exercises not only helps isolate one side of the body but will also help correct muscle imbalances, which will facilitate in injury prevention and rehabilitation.
TPI Strength and Power (The Squat)
Strength is imperative for a number of reasons. Firstly, strength is needed to generate power. No strength = no power. Secondly, the body needs to be able to withstand the forces generated by the golf swing. You will also need good strength to effectively play through different types of terrain.