TPI Physical Screen

By Mark Pajich


A TPI golf screen is a physical assessment of how well your body moves in relation to your golf swing. There are 16 movement patterns that we check and depending on your results we may find that you have one or more of the 12 most common swing faults, each of which will have a direct effect on your game.  

The next series of articles will go through the TPI Physical Screen and how each movement pattern can impact your golf.  

Setup Posture

Your ability to move and control your pelvis through your golf swing is imperative for optimal power transfer.  The three (3) types or setup postures for golfers are Neutral, S-Posture, and C-Posture.

Ideally you want a neutral setup.  A neutral setup allows for proper abdominal/core control during the golf swing. It also allows for a good transfer of power from the lower body to the upper body.  


S-Posture is excessive curvature of the lower back. It causes instability in your core during your swing and as it puts a lot of additional stress on your back, it is one of the main causes of chronic lower back pain in golfers. 

Swing faults: TPI research shows that if you have an S-Posture setup then you have an 80% chance of early extension as well as an 80% chance of loss of posture.   


C-Posture often occurs when you do not have enough arch in your lower back. It too puts additional stress on your lower back and it also limits the flexibility of your spine during the golf swing.  

Swing faults: TPI research shows that if you have a C-Posture setup then you have a 60% chance of early extension and a 55% chance of having a flat shoulder plane.  

Take a photo of your setup position from the side and compare yourself.  There are many reasons as to why you may have either a C or an S-Posture, however, the following is a simple and safe exercise to help you practice a neutral setup position.  

Grab a club or a stick and place it on your back with one hand at the top and the other at the bottom. Then bend forward while always keeping your lower back flat against the club.  Do this slowly, 10 reps per day and this will train you to get into a neutral setup position.  

For more information on golf-specific fitness programs please contact us at 012-334-1511 or send us an enquiry here.


TPI Physical Screen - Pelvic Tilt


The Power of Golf (Testing for Strength)