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Golf Fitness Mark Pajich Golf Fitness Mark Pajich

TPI Physical Screen - Pelvic Tilt

Your ability to move and control the position of the pelvis is vital for optimal power transfer from your lower body to your upper body during your golf swing. Top level players can tilt their pelvis backwards by up to 20 degrees during the downswing, due to the firing of their abdominal muscles.

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Golf Fitness Mark Pajich Golf Fitness Mark Pajich

The Power of Golf (Testing for Power)

Ask any golfer if they need more distance and they will nearly always say yes. Achieving this without injuring yourself can be a lot more difficult. Today, if you google how to improve power for golf, you will see everything from swing harder, to activate your core more to lift more weights in the gym.

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Personal Training Mark Pajich Personal Training Mark Pajich

Home Tabata Workout

Are you looking for a program that can be done fast and effectively? If the answer is yes, you may want to give Tabata a try. Tabata is a type of high-intensity interval training which consists of 8 (eight) 30-second mini circuits, with a work to rest ratio of 2:1.

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Nutrition Mark Pajich Nutrition Mark Pajich

Nutritional FAQ’s

Whether you want to lose weight, gain weight, or improve your sports performance, proper diet and nutrition is imperative to achieving your goals. 

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